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I need web design with full integration

General information for the website: Company Website Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 15 Description of every page/module: Hello to who ever concern, we are looking to rebuild a new website from scratch. we will have 13-15 pages including our pictures and content text. Please send us your draft and for the scope of work and timing to deliver the project. For more details, you can view our LinkedIn profile: and follow us on our company profile so that we view your profile and contact you for further updates. Regards, EMDAAD Corp. Description of requirements/features: Hello to who ever concern, we are looking to rebuild a new website from scratch. we will have 13-15 pages including our pictures and content text. Please send us your draft and for the scope of work and timing to deliver the project. For more details, you can view our LinkedIn profile: and follow us on our company profile so that we view your profile and contact you for further updates. Regards, EMDAAD Corp. Extra services needed: Domain, Hosting, Installation, Customization, Optimization Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6484

2531 дней 9ч 55м



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00:00 - 08:00

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