General information for the website: money transfer Kind of development: Customization of existing website Num. of web pages/modules: 2 Description of every page/module: I need someone who can help me with: 1) customize a currency converter....installed already in my wordpress website, i need it customized to fit mobile screen. WP theme is mobile responsive already but calculator doesn't fit screen on mobiles..Only issue with display. 2) Adjust service forms and Include a paypal link into 6 forms at submit button 3) Show how to hide and un-hide countries in the calculator installed in WP 4) Add a menu of different currencies for countries 5) Create an option that manually modifies currency exchange rates beside the online default link source already in place.. Description of requirements/features: Contact forms Extra services needed: Customization Extra notes:
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2565 дней 13ч 27м
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