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Report Layout Using InDesign

Industry: Legal Design details: We are looking for a designer to layout 40 A4 pages from Word into InDesign. We have the template of the report and a template of how we would like the report to look and this would be an exact replica of existing reports we have published. Therefore the designer would need to simply copy the text from the word document into InDesign and ensure the formatting matches up. The designer would then need to convert this into a PDF. The cover of the report has also already been produced by a designer so it is really quite a straight-forward task. Ideas for the visual style: We will provide the template and require that the designer uses this to lay out the report Preferred colors: Will be provided in the standard template we have Extra notes: We would require the designer to complete 3 - 4 pages of the report in the first instance to ensure they follow the standard style.

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Вакансия: #6357

2531 дней 9ч 35м



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