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3D Design & rendering of: Plans for location, product and elevations (4 DAYS)

Industry: Art and Design Design details: I am looking for someone who is efficient using the design softwares; vectorworks, autocad, rhino & photoshop. below is a list of what my brief is. 1. Plans and elevations of location in vectorworks or autocad (preferably vectorworks) - i will provide with all necessary supporting documents you need to draw from and all guidance notes too 2. 3D design of object into Rhino software (or another software) - i will provide the sketches, measurements and scale for you 3. Rendering the Vectorworks plans with Rhino product design in Photoshop/ other software for elevations. - we can work together on the variable view options I need this all back in 4 days, This is a brief for a spatial design project i am working on. The plan and drawings are based on incorporating a public art piece into a selected location. the drawings and plans should show the elevations, plans and also the product use. Ideas for the visual style: architectural Extra notes: I should be able to speak to you over skype when I need to as the turnaround for this project is real quick and timing is important. Fluent English, someone with a problem-solving, solution orientated preferred.

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Вакансия: #6026

2524 дней 13ч 39м



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00:00 - 08:00

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