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Architectural plans for rear two storey extension.

Design details: I am considering a two storey rear extension and need plans drawn up so I can assess feasibility with the council and approximate costs with builders. I am looking for an architecturally competent person to help me draw up initial plans so I can discuss these with my local council in a pre-application advice meeting. If at this stage the extension seems feasible and affordable, I’ll then need someone to help me finalise plans for a planning application and then , if approved, develop technical building drawings. I have split this project into the three phases below. Stage 1 – Requirements for Council Pre-Application Advice Site Survey Conduct measured survey of existing property and develop architectural plans and elevations from measured survey. Concept Design Develop and one or two design options based on my requirements for a rear two storey side infill extension. Stage 2 – Final Design and Planning Develop and draw final design based on feedback and help develop items required for a full householder planning application. Stage 3 – Regulations Develop technical drawings and specifying material and construction notes to fulfil Building Control requirements. Advice on obtaining structural design & calculations for proposed development. I would appreciate a quote estimate for each of the stages above. Ideas for the visual style: Any terrace house two story extension Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5871

2524 дней 11ч 51м



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