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Menu Design

Information for the business: Restaurant Industry: Food and Beverage Design details: Need someone to redesign a menu for a casual dining restaurant. - All the content is ready and requires someone to fit content into a specific design, which should be straightforward to copy. - I have attached a simple design (Nandos Dubai). We would like to adopt an identical design but with our content. - It will be 4 sides of A4 and the menu will be printed and laminated for inhouse guests only. To avoid wasting your time and our time, please only respond if you have prior experience in doing menu design and understand the food business. If you have prior experience and the right software, this should not be a difficult task. We need a quick turnaround. I need someone with creativity and who can use their initiative to develop the menu (including graphic images). We will need to use colour to bring out different sections of the menu thereby making it easy for the customer to navigate through. We already have a creative design for the takeaway menu (8 pages), which was a long process. I do not want to repeat that. Number of pages needed: 4 Content on the front/back side and body: Graphic Design (Front) and Content (Rear) Ideas for the visual style: Nandos (see attached) Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5792

2531 дней 9ч 33м



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00:00 - 08:00

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