Industry: Business Kind of design: Theme/template Description of every page: Hi, I am looking for a Designer to create a new Logo and also a Webshop-Template The Webshop has an opencart-backend, are you familiar with opencart Templates? The Shop is a b2b store, which provides means of production. Products in shop are goods and tools like food additives, packaging, industrial hygiene articles for dairy farming producers who sell their products directly to end consumers. We need a brandnew CI, that means a new modern logo, and a new modern webshop design with opencart ready templates. Feel free to ask any questions regards Michael Ideas for the visual style: serious but modern Extra notes: Logo should be serious and modern. Logo should work on white paper and also in grey shade variants. Main Color of Logo and Templates could be blue, but this is not a must. Other colors are also possible.
Вакансия: #5724
2577 дней 17ч 34м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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