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Website design

Hi I have an online healthcare products site and looking for someone to do the design work. We have a large number of products and need an easy to navigate menu system that can access most of the products, something like which is currently on shopify and we have already purchased the screenshelf template. Design wise it is the home page menus/categories, several banners promoting various services and products and 3-4 pages linking from those banners where services such as private prescription, nhs repeat prescriptions etc will be explained further with form etc for registration. What is your best quote on a site of a similar standard and design to if done in shopify Which would you say is better between magento and shopify considering the menu system that I need and what are the advantages of your recommendation? Could you also give a rough estimate of the cost of the above as a magento site in terms of setup and ongoing. Please include links to sites you have designed previously particular with meganav menus and those with similar menu layouts to the above site Regards Amar please reply to info at

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Вакансия: #5721

2524 дней 14ч 16м



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00:00 - 08:00

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