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Website conceptualization and design for a brand new website

Industry: Technology Kind of design: Theme/template Description of every page: We would like a theme, template design based on our website brief for the following pages. Homepage > the homepage conceptualistion and design Products page > that includes a feature list, connection to pricing page, call to action/ request a demo/buy Success stories > use cases based on industry sub menu explaining case studies, call to action/request a demo/buy Buy page > explaining pricing through pricing tables and call to action to call number or email to buy or request demo Support page > providing details of support and link to knowledge base, FAQ News and Events page > for news and events announcements, press releases Login page > to login to the application Blog page - blogs layout and look and feel About us page. Partners page> page explaining details for all resellers, partners, associates Request a demo page. Contact us page - > providing contact details with maps in multiple locations Theme desing for privacy policy, terms page We require the design templates and conceptualisation with final copies handed over to us with copyright in psd format or similar. Ideas for the visual style: modern, trendy, technology orientated Extra notes:

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2532 дней 0ч 35м



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