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Seeking 10+ illustrations for news articles

Information for the business: Website shares news & publishes articles on alternative medicine such as CBD and psychoactive substances Design details: The overall design will change for every news story, however, will be done in a similar style to the cartoons that cointelegraph[dot]com use for their news articles, but the design does not need to be so realistic I think something simple may work better with the web sites white/red/grey theme. Drawings will be used to illustrate what the news story or article is about and will cover topics such as alternative therapies using substances such as CBD, cannabis legislation, interesting psychoactive substance stories and breaking news. Someone with at least basic knowledge of these topics will be required and you must be available minimum 6 days per week due to the nature of the content so we can request illustrations for time critical news. Great opportunity to work on a project that has been going for years, the last freelancer we hired from PPH for this project has been working with us for nearly 3 years and we're looking for someone else to join the team. You are welcome to have an author page on the site to use for references for other jobs, so long as not intrusive signatures are allowed on the artwork too. Please request the websites URL if you wish to explore the topics further. Ideas for the visual style: Cartoon, possibly laid over photographs. Include humour when practical. Things to avoid: Fantasy or comic book style. URLs to draw inspiration from: Extra notes: We will initially require a minimum of 2 designs as a test and then we shall require a further 10 - 15 illustrations followed by one to three per week. Budget: £3 - £6 per image.

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Вакансия: #5529

2532 дней 0ч 43м



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