Information for the business: One product website - goal setting notebook Industry: Lifestyle/Travel Design details: I am publishing a goal setting notebook which I will sell online via a Shopify website. What I need is some great graphics/illustrations to make the website stand out and wow customers. It will not be a complicated website but I understand the effort required to make something beautiful. There are some existing graphics/illustrations to incorporate from the our notebook designer. I am thinking at least the following: A landing page/banner incorporating the notebook slogan 3 graphics depicting the 3 main elements of the notebook 1 full width graphic showing the main elements of the layout If you know how to do animated GIFs that would be a plus but not essential Some other small graphics e.g. on the about page, help page, returns policy etc. Hopefully there are some freelancers out there who would like to work with us on this! Ideas for the visual style: Fun, sophisticated, classy, beautiful, luxurious Where the design will be used: Web Extra notes:
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2577 дней 17ч 40м
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