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Logo creation and/or some squarespace design (from template)

Information for the business: fashion e-commerce consultants (commercial and premium) Design details: we are a fashion consultancy/agency dealing with ecommerce platforms. Brands we will work with range from global high street to Premium/exclusive/boutique. We need the logo/illustration to work separately for the following areas/sections on the site. who we are? what we do Services what we offer clients a few further sections may be added later. This could be font based only, but ideally a graphic identity in logo/illustration would be good. We are British, and iconic British fashion is a key driver, so Dazed/ID etc as well as brands such as TopShop. The design does not need to appeal to the Fashion target market ie 15-28 but instead the decision makers and show clear understanding of our brand, which is data driven, considered, dependable but aware of fast fashion and trends. please note we do not have the full website design yet but a squarespace template. Target audience: art directors/creative directors/CEO Ideas for the visual style: dazed/ID/sleazenation Where the design will be used: site/press release etc Extra notes: further info given in discussion when portfolios etc are shortlisted.

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Вакансия: #5426

2524 дней 11ч 52м



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