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I need graphic designs done for kids

Industry: Art and Design Design details: Hi There I need 12 graphics with one forest image for the whole project, with different images layered on top. You can find forest image ideas here : 1st Screen: Kidsong 2017 Draw Near ( both in the middle Kidsong 2017 @ the top and draw near just underneath) The next few screens will also have bird mascots please refer to amercain sports teams as refernce here... 2nd Screen: Kidsong 2017 on top, RED Hawk in the middle, HAWKS at the bottom. 3rd Screen: Kidsong 2017 on top, Green Falcon in the middle, Falcons at the bottom. 4th Screen: Kidsong 2017 on top, Blue Raven in the middle, Ravens at the bottom. 5th Kidsong 2017 on top, Yellow Eagle in the middle, Eagles at the bottom. 6th Screen: 'Tribal Wars in the middle' , Each tribe mascot facing each-other on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 7th Screen: 'Draw Near' in the middle'. Each tribe mascot facing eachother on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 8th Screen: 'Hungry for more' in the middle , Each tribe mascot facing eachother on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 9th Screen: 'Where are you', in the middle , Each tribe mascot facing eachother on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 10th Screen: 'You Know me' in the middle , Each tribe mascot facing eachother on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 11th Screen: 'True Worshippers', in the middle , Each tribe mascot facing eachother on the screen (a bird on every corner basically) 12th Screen: KIDSONG 2017 bottom right of the screen with Draw Near just underneath That's All :) Target audience: Kids aged 7-14 Ideas for the visual style: Dark Forest Theme Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5413

2528 дней 23ч 15м



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