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Tattoo Design - Covering Up Existing Writing

Design details: I have an old tattoo on my right inner forearm that says 'Nirvana.' I am attaching a photo. Naturally, I hate it and finally have enough money to think about covering it up. I'm looking for a designer that I can work with - I don't have an exact idea for the design but the 'N' of the nirvana could form the head/beak of some kind of avian or reptilian creature. Again, it doesn't specifically have to be a creature, but I think working with the shape of the 'N' is the way to go. If possible, I'd like the design to spread onto my forearm - it will probably be the upper forearm, I'd also be open to it wrapping onto the lower upper arm. A good example is Matthew McConaughey's tattoo in True Detective Season One. I can't really think of any others but will attach some photos. I'm aware that this bird is fairly morbid - I am not attached to any hardcore symbols of death or anything like that - so please don't feel it has to be really dark - I'm keen for someone to come up with their own thing. The area of the design that covers the writing will obviously need to be fairly shaded in, but varying levels of shade throughout would be preferable. I appreciate this is a little vague - what I am really looking for is someone to work with and find the right design together, so please reach out if the idea of doing maybe a couple of passes (all paid for of course) appeals to you. Ideas for the visual style: Bird/Animal Things to avoid: Writing of any kind Preferred colors: Black Where the design will be used: Tattoo Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5369

2524 дней 11ч 47м



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