Information for the business: Modelling careers Design details: I want a promo video made the same way this was made The only difference will be the logo and the selection of videos. The videos need to be bought from Stock, i have no footage. They need to be cut up and have the same visual effects as Bad Habits show reel The music in the background of Bad habits show reel also has to be the same. this show reel / promo video will be on the front page of my website and will be a quick explosive cool intro into the company. we also cater for child models, teenage models of both gender so take that into consideration. Anyone contacting me regarding this product needs to give me a detailed reply please. i will not commit to a job until everything is discussed properly. looking forward to finding someone to work with many thanks james Ideas for the visual style: modern Urls to draw inspiration from: Where the design will be used: website and all social media Extra notes:
Вакансия: #5283
2577 дней 17ч 56м
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