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Seeking experienced Project Manager with specific skills in construction

Information for the business: Indoor Football Centre Industry: Sports and Fitness Design details: Walton Park Indoor Football Centre (WPIFC) is a small Charity based in Sale, Trafford, which manages the provision of three small indoor five a side pitches for access by the local community. WPIFC was established to prevent the closure of the Centre by Trafford Council, by taking on the operation, in conjunction with the freehold being sold to our Landlord, the Charity, Walton Park Sports Centre Ltd. Since taking on the operation of the Centre in July 2011, with no financial support or assets, the Charity has established an effective and profitable enterprise, with profits being used to undertake major upgrades to the playing surfaces and short to medium term plans for further significant improvements to our facilities. Target audience: Construction Messages to communicate through the design: N/A Ideas for the visual style: N/A Things to avoid: N/A Urls to draw inspiration from: N/A Where the design will be used: N/A Extra notes: N/A

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Вакансия: #5226

2524 дней 9ч 51м



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00:00 - 08:00

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