Industry: Lifestyle/Travel Type of logo: Letter form, Abstract mark, Emblem Number of revisions: Unlimited Ideas for the visual style: We can provide current logo Preferred colors: black and gold Where the design will be used: print, website, stationery and marketing Extra notes: We are looking for a new logo concept of our business that we are further developing into the hotel market. We are looking for an emblem style logo. We are keen on clean fresh fonts and want the logo to look good in black and gold. We can provide the current logo that we want further developed. We are not looking for anything over complicated so feel the set price is acceptable for an experienced designer. After the logo has been created we then require a considerable amount of design work for stationery, marketing brochures, leaflets/flyers and general company literature.
Вакансия: #5058
2577 дней 17ч 36м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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