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I Need To Refine My Current Logo I Designed

Information for the business: The logo is already designed but need to make it even better . I am also attaching the logo so that you can get an idea . I need the work to begin after 16th June IST since I have other projects going on as well . Also Include your portfolio examples similar to the sample logo attached so that I can select the best . Keep in mind that the logo has to be quite modern and no icon or symbol is needed . There are minor changes that has to be done that makes the logo stand out . Industry: Business Type of logo: Word mark Brand name/slogan in logo: Type Human Number of revisions: Till Satisfied Ideas for the visual style: I need it refined so new Ideas are welcome Things to avoid: Old school logo with multiple colours Preferred colors: Dark Grey ( RGB - 353535 ) Where the design will be used: Print , Web Extra notes: Have to keep it simple and clean with creativity . Please do not apply without portfolio cause this project is very important for me so I dont want to go wrong anywhere . NOTE :- Mention in your proposal the following :- 1. What do you like about the logo 2. What you dont like about the logo

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Вакансия: #5035

2531 дней 10ч 34м



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