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I need a logo designed for my website transparent png, color and b&w version

Information for the business: I provide businesses with a step by step marketing system Industry: Education Brand name/slogan in logo: Your Marketing Rules Ideas for the visual style: A take on a hive / honey comb design to create stepping stones. Preferred colors: The main color is #fed03d Where the design will be used: Website, email Extra notes: I have recently started a new website, Your Marketing Rules, it will be a place where I share marketing information with business owners who want to take control of their marketing. I am providing a step by step marketing system that clearly takes people through the entire marketing process. The idea is that I am providing people with defined marketing rules for them to follow in order to take control of their marketing and grow their business. The concept for the logo is some hexagonal shaped pieces linking together to create a pathway i.e. like stepping stones. I am attaching some images for inspiration.

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Вакансия: #4926

2531 дней 9ч 44м



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