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Logo and cartoon character for new Labrats Science Club

I need a logo and a cartoon rat in a lab coat character.The business is an after- school science club for primary school children. The name is Labrats Science Detectives. The logo could have something to do with a detective badge ????? I also need an A4 card template designed. The card is given out to students at the start of each class and I need to be able to edit it to change the activity. It should have the logo and the rat on the front with for example a cartoon television into which I can place photos of lab equipment. I also need to be able to edit a task which is titled on this side (e.g. How did the egg get into the conical flask?). On the back the card can be much simpler but again I need to edit some bullet point instructions. This is what I need initially but I want to develop the idea to eventually have a moving real silhouette of a back-lit man in a trilby who speaks. This will be the villain. He is the one who sets the science challenges (solve it before 4 o'clock... or else !!!!). The students will 'report ' back to one of 2 video recordings, saying either yes you've solved it, or you've failed. I will also need a web site at some point.

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Вакансия: #4895

2531 дней 9ч 19м



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