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Logo Design

Information for the business: Restaurant/Takeaway Industry: Business Type of logo: Word mark, Abstract mark, Pictorial mark, Emblem Brand name/slogan in logo: Mackworth Balti Ideas for the visual style: Use name of the company / simple and elegant Extra notes: Mackworth Balti is a indian takeaway which is undergoing renovation and intends to become a restaurant with dine-in customers. It will create an upmarket feel with its design and fit-out of the restaurant. The words carry the following meaning. - Mackworth: represent the area in Derby in which the business is located - Balti: A balti is a type of curry served in a thin, pressed-steel wok called a "balti bowl". ... This combination differs sharply from a traditional one-pot Indian curry which is simmered slowly all day. Balti sauce is based on garlic and onions ... We would like the logo design to reflect that of a contemporary Indian restaurant / takeaway The logo will lay the foundations for other design projects that follow (website, business cards, marketing literature, showroom design). It will be important to keep this in mind when deciding the logo.

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Вакансия: #4861

2532 дней 0ч 18м



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