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I need someone to design my logo idea

Information for the business: Yoga business Industry: Lifestyle/Travel Type of logo: Pictorial mark Brand name/slogan in logo: Elle's Ideas for the visual style: See "extra notes" for concept. Extra notes: I need someone to design a logo, but I already have an idea of what I want. I have attached a clipart with the basic concept for the mark: a girl sitting inside a lotus flower with an enso circle around them. I have also attached the exact shape of the female figure that I want. The brand name, Elles, needs to appear to the left of the mark. I'm looking for someone who will take this idea and create a few different versions with a bit more detail for me to choose from. A couple with the female figure in white, a couple with her in black, and the word Elles in different typefaces for each. Also it would be good to introduce a bit of colour in the enso circle or the flower, but nothing too "busy" or bright. I also attached an image of Yoloha's logo as inspiration - I like it because there is some colour and a cool little mark, great font, but its not too complex and not too many different colours.

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Вакансия: #4800

2524 дней 9ч 52м



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