Information for the business: Blog about people and brands Industry: Publishing/Journalism Type of logo: Letter form, Abstract mark Brand name/slogan in logo: Brands & Peeps Ideas for the visual style: clean, modern design, classy, creative combination of letters B and P. Things to avoid: Cartoonish style, colorful design Preferred colors: I prefer black color, or black and gold. Extra notes: I would like logo to be modern with clean lines, but still with a friendly touch. When talking about brands and inspirational people, try to imagine how would they look like if they were logo. It doesn't have to be just logo with B&P, if you have another idea that will represent brands and peeps even better, go ahead! If you have any other question before you start sketching, please give me a note. P.S. I somehow imagine this logo to be only with simbol, without brands and peeps name under or above. But if you think it would be better to include typography logo, you can try with that also. Good luck!
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2565 дней 12ч 29м
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