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Seamstress/sewing machinist needed for small start up project customising clothes

Seamstress/ sewing machinist needed for basic customisation and garment up-cycling. I am looking for an experienced individual to help with my clothing business. The work required will be minor alterations on up-cycled garments such as changing the fabric of the sleeves and on the back of a basic t-shirt or adding trim and accents in different prints and fabrics onto a ready made garment.(see photos for example). My business is a start up there for the budget is really tight. You will be payed per garment and the pay will depend on the complexity of the design and based on volume and quantity being produced. This will range from £3 per garment (for children garments that require very small customisation such as adding trim to socks) to £7.50 per garment (for adult garments with minor alteration such as adding print fabric to sleeves and back) to £15 per garment (for alterations or customisations that would require pattern cutting or embroidery). The minimum workload will be 30 units/garments at a time with a lead time of roughly 2 weeks. Looking for someone who is reliable and can commit to doing this regularly

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Вакансия: #11277

2532 дней 0ч 16м



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00:00 - 08:00

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