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Translation English To French with technical

file is text .TXT bloc note about 96000 word / 2 there are words that are not to been translate or comes back offten if i print the file i have 165 A4 of text some lines are full the others just some words file is a screen dialog system Format work this way "english" = "French" that's why i write the word to bee translated are the half of the total because the english side need to stay english otherwise the programm refuse the file "A division by 0 is not allowed." = "Une division par 0 n'est pas autorisée." "The input-file %s is corrupt. Further errors will be ignored, but the integrity of the file is not guranteed!" = "The input-file %s is corrupt. Further errors will be ignored, but the integrity of the file is not guranteed!" "The input-file %s is corrupt and will be ignored." = "The input-file %s is corrupt and will be ignored." "The number of columns is invalid and will be ignored." = "The number of columns is invalid and will be ignored." "An internal error in file %s, line %li occured. Choose \"Ignore\" to continue the program, \"Retry\" to start the debugger or \"Cancel\" to end the program." = "An internal error in file %s, line %li occured. Choose \"Ignore\" to continue the program, \"Retry\" to start the debugger or \"Cancel\" to end the program." "An internal error in file %s, line %li occured. Choose \"Ignore\" to continue the program, \"Retry\" to start the debugger or \"Cancel\" to end the program. It is recommended to ignore the error, save all data and end the program." = "An internal error in file %s, line %li occured. Choose \"Ignore\" to continue the program, \"Retry\" to start the debugger or \"Cancel\" to end the program. It is recommended to ignore the error, save all data and end the program." "Version %li" = "Version %li" "Original" = "Original" "The project was not saved." = "Le projet n'à pas été sauvegardé."

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