
Ваша работа была отклонена! Причина:

Danish to English

We need 3 birth certificates translated from Danish to English It’s a 1 (A5 size) page document. The word count is between 100 -150 on each document. Most of the data is the same on all documents apart from couple names that may be different on each document. It needs to be delivered within 2 days. The language on the document is general. The document may only be shared with the successful bidder. Everything on the document needs to be translated and the translation needs to be accurate and professional. The sentences need to make sense. We would insist that nothing is added to the translated document from your own-self. To avoid any mistakes would like that the translation is proofread before it is delivered to us. Please ensure that the layout and design of the translated document resemble to the source document. Where possible, seals / stamps and or signatures (if any on the document) needs to be translated. We would like the copies to be sent back to us in word and PDF format. Please send us your proposal and let us know when you can deliver it by and what level of experience do you have.

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Вакансия: #11123

2531 дней 10ч 31м



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00:00 - 08:00

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