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Keep safe drive safe

General information for the app: The app monitors speed Kind of development: Customization of existing app Description of requirements/features: I need an app made that will send a warning signal to another phone that has the app installed on it as well,when the user is in a vehicle that is driving over the speed limit for more than 30 seconds the parents phone will receive a warning sound like there txt message sound It will be targeted for parents that are worried about there child driving dangerously or in a speeding car the app should have a password protection on it so the child can not disable it I will need the app fully built and posted to the app stores using my account I had another developer make one for me but he did not complete it properly i have all the files so i can send them on request Here is a link to an app that is like what i want I will also need a marketing plan Regards Andrew Specific technologies required: Push Notification Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #11008

2524 дней 11ч 49м



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