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To fix bug and do some amendments on my existing android app

General information for the app: Camera app Description of requirements/features: I need an expert android developer who can fix memory bug what results in constant crashing of the app (due to lack of memory the app crashes) and add few enhancements to my existing android app Nothing to do from scratch but to work on an existing one. I will give you the existing source code (its well structured and uses Android Studio latest version) Its a very simple camera app nothing much fancy No design work needs to be done all are already implemented Some features to add - Add dropbox facility to the app so images can be automatically uploaded to user account - Dropbox and all other apps should recognize the pictures taken using the app with the help of camera - Add center alignment feature - Add flash on/off feature Might be 1 or 2 more will discuss when we talk but those are very easy to do You will only get paid after you solve them. However you can give me the updated source code after I pay you. But I need apk's to test. More work in future if you can solve the problems More discussion to the done with the developer Specific technologies required: Android Studio Latest Version Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #10935

2532 дней 0ч 14м



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