I look after a Funeral Directors website, built in WordPress, that services ten key towns. The site has had some SEO work (i.e. no duplicate titles, long descriptions etc.) but I still need to get several phrases like "funeral directors in " to top organic positions for eight key towns. Some key phrases are already top three but most are eight or more down and this is too low. The same key phrases are tied in to an Adwords campaign so I would hope to see this also improve as a result of this excercise. I am looking for an SEO expert to help me with this - onsite or offsite. If easier, I can do any onsite work that is required. I have Rank Tracking and Website Auditing reports that might assist. All work must be white hat and being a funeral directors - no cheesy or risky marketing techniques. This is my client so I need an NDA in place. I have other websites if this arrangement is successful.
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2565 дней 13ч 39м
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