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Inbound Phone Support

Hello, We are due to launch a ticketing platform in the coming weeks. As part of the our customer service offering we provide our clients with a ticketing telephone number that can be used in their event marketing materials. I'm looking for someone who can manage the inbound calls and take bookings over the phone. You'll need: To be UK based Have a confident and professional telephone manner, preferably with previous experience Have access to a computer with internet connection Have a phone that we can route the ticketing number to Confident with browser based software Track all calls and add to a shared Google document Comply with our data protection policies Sign a non disclosure agreement We'll provide training so that you are familiar with our platform and know how to locate an event and purchase ticket type as required by the caller. Provide you with a business contact for any ongoing support or service issues. As we are a start up we are not expecting large call volumes from day one but they will increase as we add more events to our platform. Initially, this will be 3 days a week, 8 hours a day. Please provide an hourly or fixed weekly rate.

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Вакансия: #10409

2524 дней 11ч 48м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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