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Virtual Assistant

Hello I'm just beginning to get my company - Kajola : International Hospitality & Food Consultants up and running this coming August and require the services of a professional virtual assistant, ideally that speaks Dutch. * Online Research * Finding information on corporate websites, exploring new products and vetting potential employees or business contacts * Bookkeeping & Invoicing * Keeping tabs on bills and other bookkeeping matters can be one of the easiest things to assign to a virtual assistant,
 * Database Entries * Clean Up current database * Establish a agreed format * Build database via web research * Data Presentations * Turning raw data into clear powerful presentation material or summarising research findings in a relevant document * Social Tasks * Sending client cards / family emails for dutch activities * Scheduling * Managing my multiple calendars and meeting requests * Chasing business * Identifying and prioritising potential business opportunities * Industry knowledge preparation * I have limited time and need to keep abreast with my industry happenings, analyse and then share to grow/strengthen market position

Дополнительная информация

Вакансия: #10372

2531 дней 9ч 37м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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