I have existing documentation (MS Office products including Word, PowerPoint and Visio) which were produced a few years back. I essentially need them to be updated and consistent in branding and design (to be provided by me) so I can use with my existing client. My aim to ensure that these are as visually appealing as possible with some level automation with regards to hyperlinks, contents page linking to chapters etc. All the content is provided within the existing documentation so this can be essentially lifted and shifted across - updating and visual presentation is the main area here. There are also several visio process that need updating to allow some editing. Again this material will be provided so this is an cross between basic admin and design. Professionalism in presentation must be paramount. Although several documents to work through I anticipate this will be done in phases with a few documents required over the next 7-10 days.
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2577 дней 17ч 30м
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