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Web service response needs to be processed

General information for the business: Insurance Kind of development: Customization of existing program Description of requirements/functionality: The below process needs to be done for every RiskAndResponse/MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme node in motorquoteresponse. 1) after receiving the commission percentage from earnix the below xml need to be formed for every scheme xml node in RiskAndResponse/MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The above node needs to be placed after within the scheme node to follow on 2) To accurately calculate the commission Earnix requires the net premium, the Commission Optimization service should therefore use the NP premium from the BDA record, minus the IPT value. This should of course always be available for Endsleigh as the BDA module will apply the Endsleigh specific premium adjustment. To support future use and to ensure resilience in the event of an issue with the BDA module, the Commission Optimization service will use the NP premium from the IF record, if a BDA record is not available. The above values are present as below in the motor quote response: IF 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 0 0 0 EF 0 0 0 0 0 0 After the above step, we need to calculate the below fields: (please note some of teh fields are constant) Do teh calculations first as below please : CommissionNet = OP (from preflex) - IPTvalue (from preflex) CommissionValue = CommissionNet * commission% (what we get back from earnix) IPTvalue = (CommissionNet+CommissionValue)* IPT%(MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme/QuoteDetails/QuoteDetail/IPTPercentage) CommissionNP = CommissionNet+CommissionValue+IPTvalue EA BF ? - teh value from preflexs as mentioned above ? - CommissionNP ? commission% returned from earnix (this value could be negative so please bear thsi in mind while coding) PN ? IPTvalue ? CommissionValue 0 Earnix BF 3) Finally, the below values need to be updated in the MotorQuoteResponse in MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme/QuoteDetails/QuoteDetail/PremiumTotal and MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme/QuoteDetails/QuoteDetail/IPTAmount locations respectively ? = CommissionNP ? = IPTvalue 4) The final response which needs to eb sent back needs to have the below within every RiskAndResponse/MotorQuoteResponse/Schemes/Scheme node in motorquoteresponse just after preflexs ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Extra notes:

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