General information for the business: We have softplay centres in Scotland Description of requirements/functionality: We use stripe to process online bookings and now want to take advantage of recurring billing API to set up membership functionality. We need someone to set this up as a test and release this implementation to at a high level: 1. Take a fee on a monthly basis 2. Create an email that is sent to customers a monthly invoice once this has been paid 3. Manage re-taking payments in the event of decline/card expiry etc.etc. and any associated comms required 4. Set up reporting in Stripe to report on membership status etc. Extra notes: I would welcome a discussion with a person to look into the best way to price this work - whether it is a per hour or fixed price piece, along with timescales that could help. It is likely that we would need to communicate by phone/skype and have regular check ins to check progress.
Вакансия: #10028
2565 дней 12ч 7м
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00:00 - 08:00
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