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Experienced PHP developer

General information for the business: Changing meta-title and description of an URL shortener Description of requirements/functionality: I have two existing URL shortener scripts written in PHP. One of which is cakePHP 3.3 and the other is custom framework. These scripts work just like bitly. After the short URL is generated, users can anytime change the long URL*. This script currently has admin->users hierarchy. My need is to make it superAdmin->resellers->users hierarchy. So basically a SaaS reseller model. ## What I need besides making it Reseller Saas, is that I want the users to be able to edit the meta-title and meta-description of the URL they shorten. This mean, suppose I shorten the URL ""; ( and share the shortened link on any social media, I require it to display the custom title and description instead of the site's default one. For reference, I have attached an image below. Now you see, when I shared Hostgator, it displays the title "Website Hosting Services | VPS Hosting & . . . ." and the description "HostGator, India's #1 domain names & web hosting company offers domain name registration, web . . . . " I want this to display custom title and description when I share the shortened URL. ## ^ That is the most important feature ^ Please understand that the user may change the long URL* often. So 302 redirects may also be used. *LONG URL: The URL which is redirected by (pointed to) by a short URL. eg: Long URL: Short URL: (From the dashboard, user can change the long URL anytime without altering the short URL. This feature is already existing in the script.) Other are a few minor changes like adding an extra table. These will be cleared in the chat. Please do specify which of the script you would be comfortable to work with. i.e cakePHP 3.3 or custom native PHP framework. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #10003

2532 дней 0ч 19м



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