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Organisational & Admin / Operational Manager

Description of support work: We are looking for Organizational & Admin / Operational Manager to work alongside the current management team and business process modeller, to implement, measure, record and document (with support) the business processes and overall management of the system with Properties, Ecommerce and SEO PLEASE PROVIDE A CV/RESUME What you can expect in the role: - Organize and schedule staff to ensure they complete their tasks - Support with Planning and recruiting new staff and creating the frame work for them complete. - Organize and and oversee the information, email, communication (internal & external) to ensure that process are followed and staff task have completed their task - Develop a data filing system for all staff and business activities with the management team and business process modeller. - With support from the management team and the process modeller and create a filling and organization system for email, call recordings, video recordings, customer, accounting, agreement and general company activities. - For Lengthy and more repetitive tasks you will be using administration support to complete, please ensure that you correctly manage them. - You will need to take the information via voice recording, self /supported research or documented processes and create information laid out in the processes from the beginning to end for both internal process (showing the activities and the flow of information i.e email and task ) external process to customer showing the flow (showing the activities and the flow of information i.e automation email ),to then layout the process from beginning to end. Extra notes: CORE FUNCTIONS: - Implement team goals or objectives - Supervise, train or guide team members - (This will be built alongside the management team and process modeller) - Mediate any interpersonal issues - Inspire and motivate team members - Provide effective feedback - Manage remote teams - Utilize technology effectively - (This will be built together with the management team, process modeller) Allocating tasks to staff using the (CRM and Calendar) - Ensuring the performance of the staff is of a high standard ((This will be set together with the management team, process modeller) - Be knowledgeable about each team member's job role maintaining up-to-date knowledge of the industry - Handling the most complex customer complaints or enquiries; - Organizing staffing, including the number of staff required to meet demand - Monitoring random calls to improve quality, minimize errors and track operative performance - Ability to manage change and effectively pass on the information down the line to concerned teams for smoother execution - Delegate and allocate responsibilities efficiently to manage projects end to end - Carrying out needs assessments, performance reviews and cost/benefit analyses - Setting and meeting performance targets for speed, efficiency, sales and quality - Ensuring all relevant communications, records and data are updated and recorded

Additional info

Job: #8312

2531 day(s) 10h 35m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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