
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

Website and app Development

Hi Are you up for a new contract please? I have 3 x websites & apps which I want to be developing. But before I share my project with you can I have these details from you please? 1. Are you one man band or you do have team behind you (what? size of the team)? 2. What level of expertise do you have to develop in apple swift, Android, HTML5 (Code igniter, Zend, Ajax, Java Script, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL) and cloud base applications. 3. How confided you feel to develop websites inspired by www.justeat.com www.airbnb.com www.uklon.ue www.uber.com Meet our cooks | DishNextDoor 4. Your contact details ? 5. Example of your resent work? Please respond with the details above and I will share the project breeze with you. Thanks for the help in advance. Shaz 1. Customer Section • Login Register • Search Foods • View Order • Order Tracking • Order Management • Offers • Order History 2. Food Supplier: • Login/Register • Upload Menu • Menu Management • Order History • Order Tracking • Financial Details • Single Order • Bulk Order • New Order • Regular Order 3. Admin • Customer Management • Food Supplier Management • Order Details • Delivery Details • Order History • Offer Management • Price Management • Bulk Order Management • Single Order Management • Financial Details • Order Tracking • Website Menu Management • Category Management • Price Management Website Functionality Front End: • Home Page • Food Supplier Page • Menu Display • Customized Search • Order Page • Check out Page • Thank You Page • About Us, Contact us, FAQ and other Pages as per need Website Functionality • Login/Registration • Search Foods • View Order • Order Tracking • Order Management • Offers • Order History • Order Delivery • Menu and Category • Login/Registration • Menu Management • Menu Listing • Order Delivery • Cart Management • Billing and Shipping • Cart Page • Payment Gateways • User Order System • Content Management • Blog Integration • SM (Social Media) • Apply coupons, Discount Mobile App OverView 1. Create iOS Application using swift and coredata, Upload on App Store. Complete development, Support from 7.0 to latest OS. 2. Create Android Application using Android and SQLData,Upload on Google Play Store. Complete development , Support from 3.0 to latest OS Goals/Task 1. Launch Screen 2. Login/signUp/, forget password/ reset password 3. Complete Custom Item List 4. My Favourite Item List 5. Suggested Item List 6. Search Items 7. Left menu Screen 8. My Account 9. My Orders 10. Offers 11. Payments Gateway 12. Logout/help/About/FAQ/Privacy policy/ Contact Us/user feedback 13. Review Technology: Codeigniter, Zend, Ajax, Java Script, HTML5, CSS3, Mysql   Website content image will be provided by you . SEO and market is included in your quote.

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עבודה: #9902

2531 יום 9שעות 52דק



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עבודה חד פעמית

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00:00 - 08:00

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לחצו כאן כדי ללמוד כיצד תשתית STARTAJOB עובדת?

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כבר יש לך את העלות המשוערת ואת הזמן כדי להשלים את העבודה אתה בשדות "זמן ביצוע" ו "תשלום המבוקש" או להשאיר אותם ריקים ניתן לשנות מאוחר יותר.

אם אתה יכול לבצע את העבודה, הגש ההצעה שלך בטופס מטה או אם יש לך שאלות נוספות, אתה יכול לכתוב אותם בשדה הערות שלך ולהשאיר את השדות "השכר הרצוי" ו"הושלם בתוך" ריקים. ניתן יהיה לקבוע אותם מאוחר יותר.