
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

ADVICE [1Hr] on the development options to incorporate location service

General information for the business: The planned service will pay users to share their personal information. I would like this to include tracking their location, continuously throughout the day. All user information will be de-identified and users will not be pursued for commercial/marketing activities. Kind of development: New program from scratch Description of every module: I am not a developer and require advice that would inform the development plan for a new service. Please refer to the questions in Extra Notes. Description of requirements/functionality: I am not a developer and require advice that would inform the development plan for a new service. Please refer to the questions in Extra Notes. Extra notes: I am not a developer and require advice as I plan the development of a new service. The service will pay users to share their personal information. I would like this to include the tracking of their location, continuously (1x/min) throughout the day. All user information will be de-identified and not sold to third parties. Users will not be chased for commercial/marketing activities. User opt-in to the service is strictly optional and will clearly be described as a transaction of information for financial reward. I hope this eases any privacy concerns. I would like advice that will answer these questions: -Can what I am describing be done through a web based front end or does it require a native app developed to track locations? I don't know how a web-site would be able to track locations when the page is closed? Is this possible? -Can I get user permission to piggy-back off other web-services that may already be doing this? Say google or Apple? - what are the battery and bandwidth consumption implications for constant location service use? - are their 'white-label' or 'off the shelf' modules that would perform this function available. Please provide links and information. - If I develop an app, it would first be in Android. I would like a link to any developer material that Google has published to explain the functionality. Please add advice on how you would go about developing this location tracking module. Please provide examples of any existing services that incorporate this type of location tracking service

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #9875

2524 יום 11שעות 45דק



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עבודה חד פעמית

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00:00 - 08:00

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