
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

I need for 2 different suppliers api links to be setup on my Magento 2.1.7 e commerce

General information for the website: Ecommerce store - Dropshipper Description of requirements/features: I require for the product catalogue from two different suppliers to be set up via api link to my store. I am on a shared hosted server via Krystal.co.uk and have the Magento 2.1.7 version platform. The nature of my retail store is drop shipping, I currently have two different suppliers to which their product catalog needs to be loaded up and connected via api link to update stock and so on. Both suppliers have web developers on hand to support with any info via their system side of things. One supplier estimated lists of products is more or less 2000. The other more or less 5000, but all is not fully stocked, only about 2000 is stocked, but I think that all 5000 needs to be made available has it comes in and out of stock over a time. But to define that issue can be found out via their web developer. In my magento I've set up the website hierarchy to be under one domain, 3 different websites, one being a static page and the other two being separate websites to each supplier. Each supplier website has multiple stores with one store view attached to each store. Meaning one supplier's website has 5 stores and the other has also 5, But this could be subjected to change. What I require is for the larger suppliers catalog categories to be refined and broken up into my own categories and subcategories, alongside top menu within that website and store dedicated to the supplier. Also filters such as brands and price range is required. Another requirement is to have each supplier wholesale price and shop front price listed in the backend. I would like to have the option to be able to change each shopfront price individually or can be done over selective bulk setting. Also I would like for an automated setup of when an order is taken from the cart of the customer, for the wholesale price to be abled to be paid directly to the supplier and the order made. Specific technologies required: Knowledgeable in Magento and new version Extra services needed: Installation, 3rd party integration, Optimization, Security Extra notes: I'm building and developing this my site myself according to the knowledge I have and is learning via the user friendly manual. By doing this I strive to keep and developer the site to remain user friendly to myself and other staff members who will be using the site. So access to the site will be granted via the Magento admin role, so please can you state what access to what areas will be required and what parts will be need to get the job setup and working. We have the support of the developers from the host providers and the web developers of the suppliers, so for any technical info required about their files can be sought. Can it be indicated how long a job like this should take?

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #7457

2531 יום 10שעות 36דק



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