
התפקיד שלך נדחה! סיבה:

Website and logo design/build required

We need someone to design/build a promo website, look/feel/style and design a logo. This needs completing in the next week or so and we are all ready to assign asap so look forward to hearing back. SMS Reviews Solution... SMS Reviews (http://www.sms.reviews) is a new product from iTagg, a leading SMS marketing and communications provider. It is a managed marketing solution that uses SMS text messages to help a business generate positive reviews on their social media pages from existing and previous customers. How it works... There are 2 ways in which the review process can be started with this service... 1) iTagg blasts out a bulk SMS to the businesses' existing database of customers asking them to reply with the words "REVIEW bizname" if they want to give a review 2) the business puts "text REVIEW bizname to 60300 if you'd like to leave a review" onto things like til receipts (e.g. in a restaurant or bar) The customer then gets a text reply asking them if they enjoyed their stay/drink/meal, etc (wording of texts are customizable for each business). And to reply YES or NO by text. If they reply NO they get a 2nd text apologising and with a free voucher, or promise that someone will call them, etc - the business decided what wording to use. If the customer texts YES they get a text inviting them to click a link in the sms which takes them, via our landing page, to the facebook page (or twitter, etc) to leave a review. The solution ensures that anybody who had a negative experience will not be asked to leave a review. Website and logo design required... iTagg has an existing website and branding at http://www.sms.delivery, but wishes to build a new website for this product at http://www.sms.reviews. The look needs to be fresh, modern and clean and work across all devices. Whilst the designer is free to choose a new look, it clearly should not clash with the iTagg main website as there may be links back and forth between the 2 sites. But something fresh and clean is the priority. There needs to be a new logo, which should contain "an iTagg Solution" underneath and possibly incorporate the iTagg logo in some small way. But otherwise it needs to be a fresh new logo that appeals to businesses who wish to increase social media reviews and positive feedback from their existing customers. So a logo for a b2b marketing solution provider. The website needs to primarily be a single long page. But there should also be a simple t&c's and privacy policy page. There will be a menu tray at the top with menu items which simply point to sections down the main page and "probably" containing the following (not necessarily in this order)... - Home - Contact - Partners - About Us - How it Works - Prices - possibly 1 or 2 others Latin needs to be put into each section for me to replace with actual wording. Bit of a catch-22 as I write blurb better when I can see where and how it fits in. There will probably only be 2-3 paragraphs in each section, perhaps with a few headings. The site will be hosted on our own servers with php. We do not wish to use wordpress or anything like that., Just plain old html/css. The site will need a style sheet creating. and some new graphics and or photos supplied (I have an istock account. am happy to cover costs for the right images if designer can find them). The landing page which customers will be sent to which then redirects to facebook, etc is being built in php by ourselves. And then we hope that you can apply the new styling to it. But this last bit is hopefully the easy bit, once the primary promo page has been designed and built by you.

מידע נוסף

עבודה: #5723

2532 יום 0שעות 15דק



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עבודה חד פעמית

שעות עבודה:

00:00 - 08:00

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