Num. of books: 1 Pages per book: 8-10 Industry: Business Topic: Innovation and leadership Tone: Other Outline & Structure: Idea Drop is a London-based company helping organisations everywhere capture and action the best ideas from their people. Our diverse and talented team is on a mission to make the world’s ideas more open, transparent and collaborative. We already count large UK Police Forces and Fortune 500 companies as clients but we’re just getting started. As part of our marketing and SEO strategy we are running a blog which we update weekly. We are looking for a talented copywriter who could support us with a content when it comes to white papers & ebooks. We would like to begin with one white paper and if all goes well, we would be considering ongoing partnernship. Extensive research needed: yes Extra notes: Ideal candidate should have experience in writing white papers & ebooks. Also genuine interest in innovation industry, business, entrepreneurship and leadership is a must.
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2577 дней 17ч 28м
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