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Ecommerce Writer/Editor Needed

Industry: Sports and Fitness Topic: Varied Tone: Objective/Impersonal Outline & Structure: See below. Extra notes: We are looking for a writer/editor with some experience writing website content, SEO articles, and analytical articles. Candidate Profile: Fluent in English Expertly writes and re-writes content Able to incorporate keywords into full sentences Easily draft 150-250 word emails Follows instructions well Job Role: Write or rewrite 1-2 product listings a week. Draft 5 short emails a week Produce blog content as needed. Extra notes: We are willing to offering some on-the-job-training and are looking for a regular part-time employee to join our team. You should be willing to work one day a week as agreed upon by both parties. Exam: Instructions - Please rewrite this paragraph slightly, incorporate all the keywords, and send it to me via message. Keywords - gym wrist strap, gym straps for wrist, fitness wrist wraps, crossfit wrist wraps This version of our wrist wraps is uniquely suited for novice to heavy lifters. Our proprietary elastic can allow very high levels of “casting” wrist immobilization, but can also be comfortably worn more loosely to allow joint mobility and reduce pain. Commonly used by lifters that want wrist support to protect against pain or wrist injury. Perfect for bench pressing, overhead pressing, squats, and other exercises that can stress the wrists.

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Вакансия: #9517

2524 дней 9ч 48м



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00:00 - 08:00

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