Num. of articles: 4 Words per article: 400 Blog/website url: Information for the blog/website: We are a soon-to-launch blog offering vivid discussion and advice for writers Topic: Creative Writing Tone: Enthusiastic Outline & Structure: We are looking for an individual/individuals able to produce high-quality blog posts with the following titles: Five Ways to Sharpen Your Prose Three Reasons Why Writers Should Enter Writing Competitions & Where To Find Them A Guide To Setting Up Your Own Creative Writing Group Five Realistic Ideas of What To Do When You Don't Want To Write Extra notes: Experience and knowledge of these topics are essential. All content must be original and make use of SEO without it disrupting the quality of the writing, All posts should have a personable, engaging tone and be intelligent and witty. We are happy to work with multiple writers so if you feel you have expertise in one of these areas please do feel free to send over a proposal. There is the possibility of ongoing work for successful candidates.
Вакансия: #9405
2565 дней 12ч 14м
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00:00 - 08:00
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