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Creative Marketing Strategy

** EXCITING PROJECT WITH HUGE OPPORTUNITY** - **THIS IS NOT A GRAPHIC DESIGN JOB** We are a brand new startup company but with a story to tell - we recently launched an exciting new brand through our online site but we haven't been getting the traction that we wanted. We have tried a standard campaign but it hasn't sent the message across to our consumer. We have an amazing product and brand but we just wanna SHOUT ABOUT IT We are seeking a CREATIVE DIRECTOR who is able to bring our brand to life and direct us through the process of relaunching our brand and site. We have come up with a really COOL and CATCHY approach but now we need to look to do the following - Creative ideas and how we can further develop our current concept - Come with stratgey both online and offline for launching - Work with an amazing creative designer who is able to bring the ideas to life with cool graphics for social / web / print / paid advertising - Give direction and strategy on imagery - Ideas that will get the emdias attention - Follow through with close monitoring making sure a smooth launch happens You must have the following skill set - Be a creative copywriter so we get our message across - Have experience in launching start up companies online and offline - Management skills and knowledge that you can handle such a project - Hungry to make this happen - Interested in sports and lifestyle apparel - Understand the process - Have great communications skills - Be able to turn work around FAST This is an exciting project and something when finished will look amazing on someone's portfolio When applying PLEASE make sure you have the expereince to handle this job and can start straight away.

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Вакансия: #9255

2524 дней 13ч 58м



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00:00 - 08:00

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