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I need a experienced Billing specialist.

Our shipping firm has an immediate opportunity for a Billing and Collections Specialists to join our rapidly growing firm. We are looking for energetic, competent experienced professional that is looking to join an organization that is focused on attention to detail, growth, and success. Essential Responsibilities: • Identifies and resolves Client billing complaints via phone and email. • Prepares reviews and sends daily/weekly portal status reports for all invoice submissions. • Tracking of paid & unpaid invoices and time sheets going out • Review necessary client compliance to bill timely and accurately. • Sending invoice reminder and Proper accounting ledgers of all paid invoices and expenses • Daily communication/notification to Billing Team regarding invoice denials and rejections. Our ideal candidate must possess, but is not limited to the following: • Organizational skill, ability to multi-task • Positive Attitude & Ability to meet deadlines • Knowledge of e-billing portals and vendor websites (Xero Software, Quickbooks preferred). • Must have basic computer proficiency, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook). • Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing. • Superior attention to detail.

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Вакансия: #8533

2531 дней 10ч 39м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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