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We Need dynamic result oriented Business Development Officer for our growing firm.

Industry: Technology Description of Business Development: We are looking for a person who can help us step into the world of business grow and get projects for our firm. We need someone to lead the company in the right direction by selling & marketing our ideas and strategies. Business Development Manager Roles & Responsibilities: 1. Develop a complete understanding of the client profile prior to entering into business partnership 2. Meet sales targets set and ensure a steady increase in numbers throughout the quarter, half yearly and year. 3. Build company profile and brand image in the market through sustained campaigns. Provide strategic inputs based on market demands. Maintain details of new projects, sales, Live Integrations etc and share it with the Team Lead from to time to time. 4. Conduct a training and demo to team and obtain feedback on the same 5. Capture relevant data and generate timely MIS Requirement: a) Experience of at-least 2 years in the BPO-IT field, Financial and Real Estate would be an advantage. b) Good knowledge of the selected market and customer segments would be an advantage. c) Strong communication and negotiation skills with the ability to influence outcomes. d) Strong inter-personal skills, which encourages and promotes enthusiasm and team spirit. Thanks Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8419

2524 дней 11ч 50м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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