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I need referrals of business owners in b2b sector who want to sell their business

General information for the business: We buy £1m+ b2b preferred sector businesses Industry: Business Geographical areas: United Kingdom Target customers: B2B business owner with typically £1m+ turnover ready to sell Description of Business Development: I need someone who has the ability to reach a wide network (Deal Flow) of UK Based business owners preferred in the B2B sector with ideally a £1m-£10m turnover ( will consider absolute minimum £700K turnover) who are looking to sell their business. We are looking to buy established businesses with evidence of financial account to support trading either profitable or distressed businesses can be considered. Ideally I would like referrals of managed business owners who are ready to retired or motivated to sell, however we will consider any type of seller. Please note we are not looking to invest in any start up businesses or invest capital in any exisiting business. We have two payment options available 1. pay per qualified referrals 2. pay on closing of any deal referred to us We are looking for a strong business development partner that has the exposure to a network of business owners and deliver us deal flow. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8407

2532 дней 0ч 41м



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00:00 - 08:00

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