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I need a professional Ebay store manager

General information for the business: Ebay store Geographical areas: United States Description of Business Development: Hello, We have an Ebay store we would like to develop. We are looking for a US store manager for full development and management. The store has no feedback, therefore the work requires a lot of patience. In order to gain feedback according to ebay's new policies the manager need to list and sell products in a cheap range of 10-20$ with home-made pictures of the products (until gaining 20-30 feedback score). Afterwards we can raise the price bar to expensive products. The required person for this task must be someone who is: 1) willing to take this as a long term project 2) responsible and honest 3) hard working and devoted person 4) able to list and ship the items from the US 5) payment terms will be negotiated in person 6) experience with the e-commerce world and ebay in particular 7) I hope there is no need to clarify that we authorize to sell on our account only legal items according to ebay's policy 8) A contract will be signed between the two parties, to avoid any misuse of our account. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8382

2532 дней 0ч 17м



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00:00 - 08:00

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