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Video/audio touch up/editing - maybe subtitles or voiceover

I run an online training academy, focusing on a specialist area called "robotic process automation". Mot of the content has been live and online so far, but now we are going through the process of recording our content so we can sell it as a package. Not everyone can attend the live training, so this gives them another option. The instructors are recording from their PCs, so we certainly need the sound fixed. We had also thought about adding subtitles, which would allow us to offer different languages too. But we definitely need watermarks and a cover page at the start and the end. But short term, this is about getting the "good enough" to use, rather than Hollywood quality. There will be about 30 hours of content in each course, with three different courses. For now, I am looking for people to look at this video, suggest what they would do to make it "good enough", and then we go ahead and do it. After that we will set up the workflow to get this going across the full content.

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Вакансия: #8012

2532 дней 0ч 33м



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