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2 minute montage video of your city

Hi, We are working on a sound collage project where we collect sound and instruments from different cities all over the world. We want you to make a short movie (2 min) where you walk down with your smart phone or camera and film a characteristic place/street in your city. Your more than welcome to have the sound environment in mind when you do the filming. We would like to hear voices and other characteristic sounds from your city. If possible - it would be fantastic if you had the opportunity to film a street musician as well. The project will involve people from different cultures so it would be fantastic if you could find a place that really says something about your culture. Make a brief introduction of yourself on smart phone/camera: your name, your city and why you chose this particular street. In the first place, the material is not intended to be used for commercial use. This is more the foundation and inspiration for our continued work. If we want to continue with the material, we will contact you again. Many thanks in advance, Frederik, Martin and Anna

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Вакансия: #7904

2531 дней 10ч 5м



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00:00 - 08:00

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